Monday, January 29, 2007


2006: A Bad Year for Dictators

If you’re a deposed leader
‘06 was not your year
Milosevic was first to go
Not many shed a tear
He lost his last election
And then he went to jail
But before he got his due
His heart, perhaps, did fail
Next to go was Pinochet
The Ex-Jefe of Chile
He crushed his opposition
And killed them willy-nilly
And last of all there’s Saddam
Found in his spider hole
For crimes against humanity
They hung him from a pole
So as we look both back
And forward as would Janus
The only words that come to mind
Are Sic Semper Tyrranis

Thursday, January 11, 2007


A Salute to the Do-Nothing Congress of 2006

Want to know what's a Capitol crime?
That our Congress won't put in their time!
They work but a mere
One-third of the year,
And it's all on the taxpayers' dime!

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