Monday, April 17, 2006


The Banned Mythbusters Limericks

I tried posting these on the Mythbusters fan site as a tribute to one of my favorite shows (on the Discovery Channel), but they were banned for the presence of "forbidden words." However, there are no words here that don't already appear many times in the forum, so I don't know what their problem is. So here they are, in all their uncensored glory:

A cueball with whiskers is Jamie
Who takes on all myths true and lame-y
With white shirt and beret
To provide the cachet
He puts up with no cockamamie

Now Adam’s the life of the party
And dresses in black oh-so-arty
He won’t miss a chance
To pull down his pants
Or think up a prank crude or fart-y

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


An Exit Strategy for Bush

Mister Bush in a speech said he’d "sprint"
All the way to the end of his stint
But why wait for so long
When he’s done so much wrong
Hey Congress: Impeach him now! Take the hint!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Deadwood Between the Ears

Call me an old fogey, but the networks seem to be stumbling over themselves to put in as many curse words into their shows as they can. Even cartoons like The Simpsons are pushing the censor envelope. All I can say is, Garbage In, Garbage Out....

It’s not only the channels like Fox
Which employ so much language that shocks
Thus the fact that our youth
Will learn speech most uncouth
Gives new meaning to “Idiot Box”

Saturday, April 01, 2006


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